Step 2: Prepare For Your Discovery Call

If you have reached this page, you have already scheduled a Discovery Call.  If you haven't, then please click here to get started in the Discovery Process.

After you book the call on Calendly, you will receive an email and text confirmation with call details.  If you were referred to our agency by an Agency Partner, then a Calendly appointment may not have been made prior.  Please check your email for important Zoom call notifications.  

Sydney speaks with each and every potential client that our agency considers. In order to prepare for the call, we ask that you are available to speak with us with no background noise or distraction.  Please be sitting in front of your laptop/desktop, with the ability to take notes, for she will surely walk through any existing website you have and offer tips and solutions to pain points you may be experiencing.  

In this call, we will want discuss your current website, if you have one, and if not, websites that you like.  We will also explore social media channels and the social media of your biggest competitors.  We will review tech-stack reports and SEO analytics.  

What we do here at 7am Epiphany has much to do with your existing Internet traffic or traffic we want to attract and who you should be targeting for the greatest exposure.  We know as experienced marketers and sales experts, there are two types of buyers in this world:  logical and emotional. It is our goal to attract both types of buyers and build lasting relationships that will result in loyalty to your brand. There are many steps and moving variables to carving out your niche and building success online. 

We look forward to building a strong relationship with you that is profitable throughout the years to come.  


After our call, it's important that you move to the next step which is the Discovery Form. In order for us to prepare a proposal, we need to have this information on file. We promise......between this and the Call, we won't need to ask you anything else about your project!

Get a head start --> Discovery form